Pakistan Currency Museum

Pakistan Currency Museum

The Main display at Pkistan Currency Museum shows the pictures of the past governers and events at State Bank of Pakistan
One rupee note from United India, used in Pakistan with Government of Pakistan Stamp) for about one year after independence
First note of one Rupee printed in 1948 by Government of Pakistan signed by Governor Mohammad Ayub
In 1953 the first Bank note of Rs. 5 and Rs. 10 were printed above note is from 1953 signed by Governor Shujaat Ali
Ten Rupee Note
First 100 Rupees Note of Pakistan
50 Rupee note of Pakistan issued in 1957
Rs. 500 note issued in 1957 first time in Pakistan
One Paia coin Issued in 1948
Note printing machine Pakistan Currency museum
Plate used for printing notes
Coin Molding machine


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